Apr 12
By jwg024
Filed Under Health & Fitness?| Tagged With: aging heart, American Heart Association, an aspirin a day, arrhythmia, aspirin, blood thinner, cardiac arrest, cardiac care, cardiac infarction, cardiac rehabilitation, cardio pulmonary resuscitation, cardiologists, cardiology, CEO, chest pain, CPR, death, diastolic, disease, EKG, electro cardiogram, executives, exercise, family history, fear of heart attack, fibrillate, healthy heart, heart attack risk factors, Heart Attack Survivor, heart beat, heart damage, heart disease, heart medication, heart studies, heart transplant, heart trauma, heart tremors, heartwise, high blood pressure, histolic, killers, life-guiding principles, over 40, over 50, over 60, over 70, pacemaker, palpitation, reduce stress, reversing heart damage, risk factors, spousal support, stress, stress and anxiety, stress at work, Stress Management, stress point reduction, stress reduction, stress relief, stress test, stress triggers, valves, victims, walking, warning signs | | 20 Comments?
Heart Attack Survivor" is the field guide for stress and heart attack victims who are determined to outlive their disease. This extraordinary book gives one of a kind advice because it?s author devised the book?s exceptional life-guiding principles in the aftermath of his own heart trauma to take himself from merely striving to completely thriving. Heart Attack Survivor will help readers to reduce risk factors for future heart attacks.
Heart Attack Survivor ? a field guide
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